

How would you like to win a pack of goodies for you and your furry best friend?

Follow this link to enter our newest contest!

It only costs $5, but all of your donations will go towards supporting your favorite Animal Rights organisation, the RSPCA Australia!


Which Breed of Dog Should I Adopt?

Have you ever wondered what dog breed you want to get in the future? Well, take this quiz to find out who your forever furry friend will be!


Donate Today!


Got an extra $25,

Don’t spend it on an avocado toast, or five!

Use it to save these animal’s lives!

World Animal Day may be on October 4th, but YOLO, so why not celebrate it everyday? With your help, care, and donating, together we’re able to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of household pets and endangered animals.

The RSPCA replies on you to get the funds the animals need.

The resources needed to rescue these animals cost nearly 100 million dollars per year, so every cent matters.

Our generation has the power to make a significant change. Make a long lasting difference in less than five minutes by donating to the RSPCA today.



Exercising is Essential!

“Walk time!” you say. Their ears perk up, their tail begins to wag, and they run around in circles until you attach their leash to their collar. I don’t think there is a species out there that enjoys going for walks more than a dog! If your dog requires daily walks to stay healthy, please don’t forget to take them!


Take this Poll!

Could this mean bad news for the beagles?! In an upcoming election, Britain will be deciding whether or not the Tories will be allowed to bring back fox hunting. Would you allow this to happen? Take this quick poll by Focusing on Wildlife!










One Million Dogs Walk!

A one mile walk surrounded by a swarm of cute dogs? Count me in!

Come be a part of this year’s One Million Dogs Walk!

All proceeds will go towards supplies needed to rescue thousands of animals each year.

Follow this link to register yourself and your friends now!


Can’t wait to see you there!



Top 10 Reasons to Adopt (Not Shop) for a Furry Friend!

Here’s a complied list of the top 10 reasons why you should adopt a pet from a shelter or rescue organization, rather than buying a pet from a breeder or a store.

  1. You’re helping to end puppy farms- puppy farms are cruel and inhumane, and only used by breeders to make fast money. Adopting a puppy will help prevent the creation of puppy farms.
  2. You’re giving an animal a second chance at life- many shelter animals are born into a life that they don’t deserve, and they are counting on you to give them the second chance they deserve!
  3. Adoption prices are reasonable- breeders will charge hundreds of dollars for each puppy in order to make a profit. Adopting from a non-profit will assure that the money you spend on your pet will be well worth it, and the money will go toward a good cause.
  4. You help multiple animals, even if you only adopt one- the money you spend on adopting your pet will go toward food, medication, and items for the daily care of other shelter animals
  5. Most pets have basic training covered- you will save money on not having to hire a puppy-trainer!
  6. You are their whole world- you will gain a furry friend who will love you no matter what, and that is priceless.
  7. Shelters have an endless variety of animals to choose from- various breeds of dogs, cats, and more! You’re furry friend is out there waiting for you!
  8. You know what the future with your pet will look like- the shelter or organization will tell you right off the bat what the life expectancy of your pet will be.
  9. Your house and belongings will thank you- not having to deal with a non-house trained puppy? priceless.
  10. Older pets can be better suited to families with children- they are wiser, smarter, and will love your children as much as they love you.